2023 Surplus Assets Sale

Due date for bids: Tuesday, July 4 at 2:00pm (CST) at the Fort Frances Civic Centre, 320 Portage Avenue. Bids will be opened publicly at the Committee Room in the Fort Frances Civic Centre at 2:00pm.

Successful bidders will be notified no later than July 6th, 2023 of their winning bid and will have until 4:00pm (CST) July 28th, 2023 to pay for items and pick up the items and have them removed from Town property. The Town will dispose of any items that are not picked up July 28th, 2023 by 4:00pm or any item that did not receive a bid. In the event of a tie bid on an item, the item will be awarded to the bid that was received earliest.

Paper copies of the asset list and bid sheet are available at the Fort Frances Civic Centre.

2023 Surplus Assets

Surplus Asset Bid Sheet