- 1300 Frog Creek Road, 5 km from the Town of Fort Frances REF - N 48 39 15 W 93 26 23 2.2 NW 1 degree E
- UTO-6 (5) Elevation 1125' A 5007 E-17
Hours of Operation
- Sunday to Friday - 7 am to 10 pm
- Saturdays - 7 am to 6 pm
Canada Customs
- Customs and Immigration available 24 hours per day
- CANPASS - Minimum notification 2 hours - 1-888-226-7277
- Canada Customs local office - 1-807-274-3655 ext. 240
Runway Information
- Runway 12/30 - 4500 feet X 100 feet asphalt
Navigational Aides
- NDB - YAG 376 (L) N 48 41 23 W 93 32 21 116 degrees 4.1 NM to threshold 12
- VORTAC - International Falls INL 111.0 Ch 47 Runway 30 - N 48 33 57 W 93 24 20 343 degrees 5.2 NM to A/D
- GPS Identifier - CYAG
- PAPIS and STROBES - runway 12/30
- ARCAL - 122.7 3 clicks - runway lights and papis - low intensity 5 clicks - runway lights and papis - medium intensity 7 clicks - runway lights and papis - high intensity + strobes
Car Rentals
- Enterprise - 807-274-5800
Town of Fort Frances Tom Batiuk, Airport Supervisor
Office: 807-274-3930
Fax: 807-274-9392
Cell: 807-271-6830
After Hours: 807-274-9841
Email: tbatiuk@fortfrances.ca
- Aviation Fuel - 100LL and Jet-A-1
- Aviation Oils - 15W50, W100 and 100
- Aircraft Parking
- Aviation Charts Available - WAC and Sectionals
- Flight Planning (telephone) - Winnipeg Flight Center - 1-866-992-7433
NOTE: Bearskin Airlines operates scheduled passenger service to and from Winnipeg, Manitoba and Thunder Bay, Ontario. For additional information call 1-800-465-2327 or 807-274-0008
- Fort Frances Airport Operations - unicom - 122.8
- IFR - Minneapolis Center - 120.9
- VFR - Princeton Radio - 123.6
- International Falls AWOS - 120.0
- Winnipeg Radio, Fort Frances RCO Frequency 123.55
Fixed Base Operators
- Fort Frances Air - King-air 10 - 807-274-9763
- Melaire Limited - Turbo Beaver - amphibious - 807-274-6411
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Please call Airport Operations for current fuel pricing (807) 274-3930