Tourist Information
Tourist Centre Information
The Museum is your go-to spot for information on events and activities across the Rainy River District, and information on the many camps and lodges in Sunset Country.
Contact the Museum at (807) 274-7891 or by e-mail at museum@fortfrances.ca
Destination Fort Frances
Visit our tourism website destinationfortfrances.ca
Ontario's Sunset Country
Toll Free 1-800-665-7567
Website: https://www.visitsunsetcountry.com/
Visit the Accommodations page to view a list of lodging options in Fort Frances.
Border Crossing Requirements
If you are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of the United States, you will not need a passport or visa to enter Canada. However, you will need proof of citizenship such as a birth certificate, citizenship certificate, passport or landing card.
Metric System
Ontario's official standard of measurement is the metric system. All road signs, speed limits, distances and the like are in metric.
Fort Frances' weather is much like the Northern United States. June, July and August are our true summer months when daytime temperatures range from 25-30C (77-86F), though nights may be cool, particularly in the north. In autumn, foliage takes on fall colours towards the end of September and reaches its height in October. Medium to heavy-weight clothing is necessary, especially in November when the weather is cold and frosty. Snowfall is usually experienced through December, January and February and temperatures can drop substantially. -40C (-40F) is not unheard of! The snow begins to recede in March before totally disappearing in April. This is followed by warm temperatures and spring flowers in May.
Hospital & Medical Services
Visitors are strongly urged to obtain health insurance before leaving their country. (Your health insurance may not extend coverage outside your country of residence.) If you are taking medication prescribed by your doctor, bring an adequate supply and a copy of the prescription in case it needs to be renewed by a doctor in Ontario. For more information, contact your travel agent or insurance agent.
The Town of Fort Frances does not have a walk-in clinic, and those without a local family physician who need to see a doctor or nurse practitioner are directed to La Verendrye General Hospital.
You may also be interested to know that Ontario pharmacists are now able to prescribe for common medical ailments. Before proceeding to our Emergency department, consider visiting this website from the Government of Ontario on what a Pharmacist can prescribe, and visit one of our pharmacies.
Shopping Hours
Many stores stay open until 6:00 p.m. on weekdays. For hours of service, please refer to the shop you want to visit. Many stores are not open on Sundays.
Licenses are required for fishing or hunting in Ontario and may be purchased from numerous outlets, including sports stores, tourist outfitters, hunting and fishing lodges and the Ministry of Natural Resources.
Drinking Age
The legal age for the purchase and consumption of alcohol is 19 in Ontario.
Bringing your boat across the border
You may enter Canada aboard your pleasurecraft or with it hitched to a trailer. Customs officers stationed along highway border crossings and at harbours will issue you a permit, which is then returned upon departure as proof that the boat has left the country. Many destinations offer Remote Area Border Crossings, which require you to register by telephone.
Federal Harbours (Ontario) available from:
Customs Border Service Canada
Toll Free: 1-800-461-98999 (information)
36 Adelaide Street East
Second Floor East Tower
Toronto, Ontario M5C 1J7
Phone: (416) 973-973-8027 or (416) 9733239
Fax: (416) 954-9241
Firearms and Munitions
As a rule, prohibited or restricted weapons are not permitted to enter Canada. However, you may bring a hunting rifle or shotgun into Ontario as a visitor for hunting or competition purposes if you are 18 years of age or older. For complete details, contact:
Chief Provincial Firearms Office
Toll Free: 1-800-731-4000 or (705) 329-7662
Fax: (705) 329-7660
Statutory Holidays in Ontario
Holiday | Date |
New Year's Day | January 1 |
Good Friday | Late March or April |
Victoria Day | First Monday on/before May 24 |
Canada Day | July 1 |
Civic Holiday | First Monday in August |
Labour Day | First Monday in September |
Thanksgiving | Second Monday in October |
Christmas Day | December 25 |
Boxing Day | December 26 |