Start Date: 
2023-04-03 19:15:00
Completion Date: 
2023-04-03 19:15:00

Since the Official Plan and Zoning By-law guide and regulate where and how future growth and development in the Town will occur, it is important to have a wide variety of input into the review of these documents to help establish a common vision. Residents, business owners, and organizations have valuable information to share in this process.

  • Do you think there is a need for more diverse housing options?
  • Would you like to see more greenspaces and trails in your community?
  • Are you concerned about protecting natural areas?
  • Are you concerned about where and how new growth and development occurs?
  • Do you have ideas for how to mitigate land use conflicts? What areas are valued community resources, and what could be improved?

These are just a few examples of the many ways in which your community’s Official Plan and Zoning By-law affects you. Please take every opportunity to be involved in the process.