Over the past few months, Town staff and their consultant, WSP, have been developing the Draft Official Plan. The Draft Official Plan will be sent to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing for their first review this month and is anticipated to be ready for public review in Summer 2024.

Next steps in the project include the preparation of the new Zoning By-law, which will implement the land use policies of the new Official Plan, once adopted. A Zoning By-law Discussion Paper has been prepared and can be viewed at the link here. The Discussion Paper includes an overview of a number of zoning issues that will be addressed through the Review, as well as proposed changes to the Town’s Zoning By-law.

The Draft Official Plan will be presented along with the Draft Zoning By-law at a future Statutory Public Open House, which is required under the Planning Act.

Be sure to keep checking back at this website for future updates, including posting of the Draft Official Plan and Draft Zoning By-law for public review and comment, and a future date for the Statutory Public Open House.