Draft Official Plan and Draft Zoning By-law Ready for Review and Combined Statutory Public Open House to be held on August 8, 2024
The first drafts of the Town of Fort Frances Official Plan and Zoning By-law is now available for public review. The documents, as well as Schedules (i.e., maps) can be viewed at the link below:
The public is kindly requested to submit comments on the Draft Official Plan and Draft Zoning By-law by August 16, 2024. Submissions can be sent to John Burrows, Chief Building Official / Municipal Planner at jburrows@fortfrances.ca or (807) 274-5323 ext. 1216.
A combined Statutory Public Open House as required under sections 26(16) and 34(12) of the Ontario Planning Act will be held on Thursday August 8, 2024, 6 pm to 8 pm at La Place Rendez-Vous, 1201 Idylwild Drive, Fort Frances, ON.
The format of the Statutory Public Open House will be as follows:
- A brief presentation, beginning at 6:15 pm, by the Town’s project consultant, WSP, including an overview of the Draft Official Plan and Draft Zoning By-law, and proposed key changes to the document; and
- An open question and answer session with the project team.
All are welcome to attend! You are invited to participate to learn about proposed policy and zoning changes that may have implications for your property.
The Notice of Statutory Public Open House is available to view here.
Please note that a Statutory Public Meeting under Section 34(12) and 17(15) of the Planning Act will be held at a later date in the project process, once the Final Draft Official Plan, Final Draft Zoning By-law, and Schedules have been prepared, and will be the subject of a separate Notice.