Municipal Clerk


The Municipal Clerk is the official Corporate Secretary to Town Council, appointed to office by Town Council pursuant to provincial legislation (currently the Municipal Act, 2001).

The Municipal Clerk is the Returning Officer who is responsible for and conducts the regular municipal elections every four years.  The Municipal Clerk receives nominations from candidates for the office of mayor, councillor, trustee for each of four school boards, and the Rainy River District Social Services Administration Board (Central) representative for territory without municipal organization.  The Municipal Clerk is also the Returning Officer for all municipal by-elections and elections for which Council seeks a response from the electors to a question on the ballot.

The Municipal Clerk prepares agendas for meetings of Council and keeps minutes of the meetings of Council.  All supporting materials for business to be considered at meetings of Council must be filed with the Municipal Clerk by the established deadline noon Thursday prior to the meeting.

The Municipal Clerk receives applications from persons wanting to appear before Council as a delegation at a meeting of Council.  More information on making a deputation / delegation to Council can by found by clicking here.  

The Municipal Clerk accepts applications from persons seeking appointment by Council to the various committees and boards that have been established by Council.  The terms of appointment for most of the committees is two years, however, some have legislated terms of four years concurrent with the term of Council.

The Municipal Clerk is Division Registrar for purposes of the Vital Statistics Act, and pursuant to that legislation and Regulations, registers all deaths and may register stillbirths that occur in Fort Frances and the unincorporated area within the Rainy River District.

The Municipal Clerk is the manager of corporate records of the municipality and holds the designation from the Mayor as Head of the municipal institution for purposes of carrying out the Head’s responsibilities under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA).  Requests for disclosure of corporate records under the MFIPPA are to be directed to the Municipal Clerk for consideration/processing.  Directions on how to file an MFIPPA request can be found by clicking here.

Services provided

  • Receives and approves requests for door-to-door canvassing for fundraising by charitable groups.
  • Receives and approves applications for parades/processions on Town streets/sidewalks.
  • Receives and approves temporary closure of Town streets for eligible special events.
  • Receives and processes applications and issues licenses (business, lottery, marriage, etc.)
  • Performs civic marriage services throughout the Rainy River District
  • Commissions sworn affidavits and declarations as a Commissioner of Oaths in Ontario
  • Certifies true copies of original documents
  • Is the official responsible for coordinating liability and property damage claims lodged against the municipality and those that are lodged against others by the municipality.


Chelsea Greig
Municipal Clerk
Phone: 807-274-5323 ext. 1212

Civic Centre
320 Portage Avenue
Fort Frances, ON P9A 3P9
Fax: 807-274-8479

Please contact us if additional information or more detail on any of the above is required.
(Last revised on January 2025)