Planning & Zoning
The Planning Department is responsible for the formulation and implementation of planning and development policies as they relate to land use in the Town of Fort Frances and the application of those policies to specific development proposals.
For more information on services the Planning Department offers, please feel free to contact John Burrows, Municipal Planner, (807) 274-5323 (ext 1216).
To promote land use planning practices and policies which result in a community that is economically viable, sustainable and environmentally healthy by making efficient use of land, new and existing infrastructure, public services and facilities.
The basis for land use planning is provided by The Planning Act, an act of legislation passed by elected provincial representatives. Decisions on planning applications are made at a properly constituted public meeting according to provincial regulations. Information regarding planning applications is available to the public. Anyone may attend and speak on a planning application or make written submission. Appeals on planning decisions are made to the Ontario Municipal Board as provided by legislation.
You can access provincial legislation such as The Planning Act and other statutes and regulations governing land use planning by going to
Services Provided By Planning Department
- Provides information relating to Official Plan policies and Zoning By-law regulations
- Co-ordinates development through site plan approvals
- Formulates policies and regulations as they relate to land use in the Town of Fort Frances
- Processes various applications for land severances, subdivisions, condominiums, minor variances and/or amendments to the Zoning By-law and the Official Plan
- Zoning clearances on all development applications as well as processes municipal compliance letter on land transfers
- Participates in the development of formulation of policies with other levels of government that have impact on the Town of Fort Frances.
- Reviews building permit applications and information relative to the Building Department to confirm compliance to zoning by-laws
A basic application fee is required to cover normal costs incurred in processing all planning applications. For further information on fees please refer to the Schedule of Planning Fees.
The Committee of Adjustment has been delegated the authority to make decisions on minor variances, alterations to legal non-conforming uses and consents or severances.
The Municipal Planner acts as Secretary-Treasurer for the Committee of Adjustment. For more information please feel free to contact John Burrows, Municipal Planner, (807) 274-5323 (ext 1216)