Animal Control
The By-Law Enforcement Department is responsible for Animal Control within the Town’s Limits. The By-Law Enforcement Officers are also responsible for the operations & maintenance of The Town of Fort Frances Animal Shelter.
You may be interested in information regarding pet ownership, animal control, and reporting on animal welfare. Please see the following links:
- 50-17 - Animal Control By-Law
- Reporting & Animal Welfare: When to call 1-833-9-ANIMAL or 911
- When to Call By-Law: Information on when you may want to call By-Law including missing or stray animals.
- Animal Pound: Information on operations
- Animal Tags: FAQs on animal tags for your animals
- Dog Bites and Attacks: Information regarding dog bits and attacks, and how our By-Law enforcement comes into play.
- Responsible Pet Ownership: How to be a great pet owner.
- Types and Amount of Pets Allowed: Answers for these questions.
- Wildlife: Information on some of the common wildlife in Town.
Clinton Gray
By-law Enforcement Officer
(807) 274-5323
Corey Fehr
By-law Enforcement Officer
(807) 274-5323