Parks & Cemeteries
If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at 807-274-5323 or feel free to stop by the Civic Centre for more information.
Inquiries may also be made by email at eoster@fortfrances.ca
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Parks & Playgrounds
Legion West End Park
Located on Hwy 11 (South side), next to The Fort Frances Cemetery.
Lillie Avenue Park
Located on Lillie Avenue South, just off of Highway 11, and West of The Fort Frances Cemetery and Legion West End Park.
McIrvine Rotary Park
Located on Sunset Drive (North side), West of the Water Tower.
Millennium Park & Fountain
Located on 2nd Street East (South side), right next to the Lion's Park, just East of The Fort Frances Library & Technology Centre.
Phair Avenue Park
Located North of Phair Avenue, in the East End.
Butler Avenue Park
Located just North of the waterfront at the corner of Nelson Street and Bulter Avenue.
Elks Lillie Avenue Park
Located in the North end, on Lillie Avenue and across from the Fort Frances Community Gardens.
Point Park
Located off Hwy 11 East, at the east end of the Laverendrye Parkway.
Town of Fort Frances Cemetery Services
The Town of Fort Frances has two cemeteries - The Fort Frances Cemetery which is located on King's Highway and Riverview Cemetery located on Sunset Drive. Fort Frances Cemetery has a columbarium on site - which is known as Lady Frances Simpson Columbarium and Riverview Cemetery has five columbariums located on site, known as J.A. Mathieu Columbarium, Sieur de la Verendrye Columbarium, David Croal McKenzie Columbarium, Herbert Williams Columbarium, and Nancy Calder Columbarium.