
Zoning By-Law

Zoning is a form of regulation of property that divides the municipality into areas and sets out such matters as building location, lot coverage, parking, building height and landscaped area. All development proposals must comply with the Zoning By-law requirements. As a result, prior to proceeding with your project, you should discuss your proposal with the Municipal Planner to either ensure that the proposal complies with the By-law or determine an appropriate course of action to address the deficiency early in the process.

To view a map of Land Inventory by Zoning Designation (click here (PDF)).

Zoning By-Law Amendments

Occasionally, development proposals do not comply with either the permitted uses or the location criteria of the Zoning By-law. Significant deviations from the Zoning By-law will require an amendment. In considering an application for a zoning by-law amendment, staff will assess the conformity of the proposal to the Provincial Policy Statements and the Official Plan as well as the appropriateness of the development. The Planning Act sets out the legislative requirements, including a public consultation process, which must be met prior to the passing of a Zoning By-law amendment. Anyone can appeal a Zoning By-law amendment to the Ontario Municipal Board. Please refer to the Schedule of Planning Fees for the fee applicable to an application for a Zoning By-Law Amendment. Minor deviations from the Zoning By-Law will require a Minor Variance.

If your proposal does not conform exactly to the provisions of the zoning by-law, but follows it’s general intent, you can apply for a minor variance. Minor variances from the Zoning By-law are considered by the Committee of Adjustment. Please refer to the Schedule of Planning Fees for the fee applicable to an application for a Minor Variance.

Temporary Use By-Laws

Temporary Use By-Laws are intended to allow land and buildings to be zoned for temporary uses for renewable periods of up to three years. They can permit specific uses for a limited period of time such as a parking lot to be permitted for 2 years on a future office site or a fair on a shopping center parking lot for the month of July every year for three years. A temporary use by-law must conform to the official plan.