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Canada Day Schedule

Wednesday, July 1st, 2015 to Thursday, July 2nd, 2015

Schedule of Events - July 1, 2015

7:00-9:30am Breakfast at the Royal Canadian Legion
9:15am Energy Fitness Kids 1km Fun Run at the Point Park
10:00am Adult Mixed Volleyball Tournament starts at the Point Park
10:00-10:30am Kids Parade and Bike Decorating Contest starting at The Sorting Gap Marina
11:00am-Noon Canada Day Parade Sorting Gap (west on Front, north on Armit, west on Church to the Legion)
1:00 & 2:00pm Ladies Fastball games at Vanjura Stadium
3:00pm Bathtub races at the Point Park
10:15pm Fireworks at the Point Park (Fireworks presented by the TOFF, Heritage Canada, Tom Veert Contracting, George Armstrong Company, & La Place Rendezvous)