Pool Renovation Update

Monday, March 11th, 2024

Our commitment to transparency and timely communication prompts us to share the latest developments regarding the Memorial Sports Centre pool renovation. The reopening of Memorial ports Centre pool, originally scheduled for March/April, has been delayed due to unforeseen challenges during the renovation process including advanced structural deterioration and unexpected plumbing interferences with the pool skimmer and jet water lines. These significant, unexpected issues have directly impacted on the project schedule critical path and necessitated that additional time be spent on renovation, material procurement and installation.

We are anticipating the reopening of the pool in late May to early June 2024. Rest assured, our Operations and Facilities team is diligently working along with contractors to expedite the process without compromising on the quality of workmanship.

We acknowledge and share in the disappointment caused by this delay, but our primary focus is to ensure the safety and long-term viability of the pool. The unexpected challenges identified during the renovation require careful attention to guarantee the safety of all pool users and to extend the pool’s life.

The structural and masonry work is nearing its conclusion! The below deck plumbing is currently underway and once complete, the new pool deck will be poured and finished. The viewing area and installation of a new accessible lift are also updates we’re excited about completing. We are pleased to share that the Men’s sauna and work on the HVAC system are finished. All improvements will enhance the overall experience for all users.

We appreciate your understanding and encourage you to share your feedback through our Customer Complaints Form. This ensures that your concerns are directed to the appropriate Manager promptly.

We remain optimistic towards achieving a Spring opening and will continue to provide updates on the project via the Town website www.fortfrances.ca/poolrenovation, Town of Fort Frances and the Memorial Sports Centre Facebook pages, as well as with press releases.

Questions regarding the renovation process? Contact Operations and Facilities at (807) 274-9893.